Forum / Forums / Eric Peters Autos Forum / The depths the empire goes, no one is allowed to think, or to say.
Tagged: backstabber
- This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 6 months ago by helot.
I did not know, Phil Donahue lost his job for challenging the narrative surrounding the Iraq War and saying that there were no weapons of mass destruction.
That kind of blows my mind a bit.
An interesting quote in the comment section:
“To be a scientist is to be naive. We are so focussed on our search for truth we fail to consider how few actually want us to find it. But it is always there, whether we see it or not, whether we choose to or not. The truth doesn’t care about our needs or wants. It doesn’t care about our governments, our ideologies, our religions. It will lie in wait for all time. And this, at last, is the gift of Chernobyl; where I once would fear the cost of truth, now I only ask, “what is the cost of lies?” “
— Valery Legasov
“Keep in mind that the CDC has not yet acknowledged a single death being caused by the Covid mRNA vaccines. Autopsy evidence demonstrating otherwise is clearly not what the U.S. public health establishment wants to hear.”
The real trouble with scientists is that in today’s world the price of admission to virtually any profession is to be ‘credentialed’ with an appropriate ‘degree’ -Which means you’ve been indoctrinated with and have accepted the given narrative relative to the respective field- which in-turn means that unless one is a true genius and visionary, their entire premise and understanding is based upon what they’ve been taught and what their ‘peers’ accept as being true, which in-turn means that their entire understanding of their respective field is predicated certain given concepts which are considered inviolate, and anything they do is just a narrowing of focus on a particular aspect of that respective filed- e.g. a virologist does not question the existence of viruses, they just strive to ‘further understand’ within the accepted realm of virology.
That is how ‘they’ have achieved such great control over virtually everything today. In the past, virtually all discoveries which have advanced and been beneficial to society were made by people whose primary credential (whether formally educated or not) was the demonstration of their performance and abilities, as opposed to the possession of formalities, such as diplomas and references of obedience; and oftentimes these innovators and truth-seekers worked alone and made their discoveries on their own- as opposed to today, where now virtually all scientific endeavor is reliant upon the state or multi-national corporations (e.g. the state provides and regulates the ‘education’ of the participants; funds the development and purchase of specialized equipment/laboratories; licenses practitioners; provides ‘grants’ and paychecks for the participants…), and virtually everything is predicated upon accepting the work of your ‘respected’ predecessors and colleagues who have been like-indoctrinated and funded; and is a ‘group effort’ -so if one rejects the accepted narrative, they will lose the respect of the rest of the group and be ostracized.
Thus, we have TPTB controlling virtually all scientific endeavors today, and thus they control both sides of the equation, i.e. the sources of accepted knowledge AND the propagation of that knowledge via academia and the media, so that even those from among the public who endeavor to do their own research on any given topic are caught in a vicious cycle in which any attempted vetting of ‘the facts’ only leads back to the source of those ‘facts’- and it is not until one recognizes that they must look outside of the accepted mainstream that there can be any hope of uncovering any truth- and THAT has become much more difficult now due to information technology and how it is easily censored and controlled- e.g. if Google de-lists a website as being ‘harmful’ or ‘inaccurate’, the knowledge being advanced by said site becomes virtually non-existent.
The only hope we have of ascertaining any truth is to first see the contradictions, logical fallacies, and absurdities of what we are allowed to see, for it is only then that we start to see that what we are being told must be wrong, and it is not until we see such a thing that we can reject the false and start searching for the truth outside of the accepted realm, or formulate our own conclusions based on what we actually see as opposed to what we are told, and that is a very difficult thing for many, as it exposes one to criticism and ostracism by the majority. And not only that, but given the limited specialized knowledge of the world possessed by most these days (As most operate in a very limited sphere, studying/working/associating with a small group of people who all accept the accepted norms), and getting most of their understanding of the world from entertainment and ‘news’ media, most consider anything outside of their own particular specialty to be too complex, and so delegate their thinking and understanding of reality to ‘experts’…thus leading them right back to the vicious cycle. Not to mention that actually thinking; and the formulation of ideas and understanding based on one’s own observations and experiences has been virtually bred out of people.
You offer an observation or point out a logical fallacy, say, in the C-19 narrative, which does not fit the accepted norm, and rather than considering what you say on it’s own merits- which is the basis for true science- 99.9% of people will just say “Are you a doctor?!” – in other words, if you are not a product of the system which controls the narrative; the system which they trust, nothing that you say will be valid in their eyes- It is no different than trying to convince a religious cult member that their guru is full of crap- it doesn’t work, because as long as they accept the validity of that guru, nothing anyone says against him is valid in their eyes.
I’m always amused when looking at alt. media sites, like LRC to see that there are always articles proclaiming that “C-19 is a bioweapon leaked from a Wuhan lab”. Such could be merely ignorance, or it could be controlled opposition- either way, it doesn’t matter. The thing is, even many who reject the mainstream narrative will still be caught-up in that alternate fallacy which requires (just like the mainstream narrative) that:
*One accepts that viruses are real.
*That C-19 is real.
*That C-19 if it does exist, is a problem (i.e. that “it has killed millions”)
*The validity of the ‘official numbers’.
*That the faulty, mis-used wildly inaccurate PCR tests are legit (for the numbers of C-19 cases and deaths are reliant on it)
*That this ‘virus’ somehow instantly spread all over the world at once.
*That every nation had policies in place to deal with such an event, and that coincidentally, these policies just all happened to be the same, everywhere).
…and…this is the big one:*That somehow, a ‘bioweapon’ created by these nefarious beings who had a massive budget and access to the vastness of extant scientific knowledge would so feeble as to only be a problem to a small percent of the elderly and health-compromised, while simultaneously erradicating the common seasonal flu and virtually eliminating all deaths from it.
And it requires that one ignore the possiblity that the pandemic hoax was created to induce mass vaccination 98The true bioweapon!); mass control (Vaccine passports, contact tracing…), mass hysteria, mass economic destruction; AND as a framework to establish a world government, via a final big blow to the old order, and the consolidating of worldwide power under the premise of ‘protecting people from future pandemics”- which, any with eyes to see, can clearly see is imminently the case.(And thyat most of the actual deaths were as a result of the treatment of the dreaded disease which most did not even have, or which was just a case of the common flu if they did have anything).
tl;dr: This whole thing is tl,…dr! 😀
tl;dr: for most people, for sure.
This bit, “The only hope we have of ascertaining any truth is to first see the contradictions, logical fallacies, and absurdities…” reminds me of the film, ‘The Matrix’ the part where, ~ “we can only show them the door, they have to walk through it”.
A.k.a. horse, meets water.
It might be interesting to read your thoughts about The Matrix.
ANyway, today Dr. Mercola had an lengthy article about, ‘Door to Freedom’
“We are Door to Freedom, a new organization formed to help people make sense of a rapidly changing and often confusing world.”
It just reminded me of this EPA thread.
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