Forum / Forums / Eric Peters Autos Forum / Carman: Ready or not, a clean, green EV is in your future

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  • October 22, 2023 at 11:41 am #393

    So much to unpack in TFA…

    Carman: Ready or not, a clean, green EV is in your future

    “With federal and state tax credits and cash-for-clunker programs, EV prices are competitive with comparable gas-powered vehicles and, with no need for the regular oil changes and other routine maintenance required for internal combustion engines, operating costs are markedly lower.”
    So why the need for the thumb on the scales? If they’re so great why not let them compete directly?

    “Plus, there’s nothing quite as satisfying after a lifetime of being held hostage by Big Oil as not caring — or even knowing — about the price of gasoline from week to week.”
    Until the local utility starts getting the authority to charge a different rate for EV charging, or worse, lobbys hard for across the board rate increases due to demand, especially during peak times.

    “They are as predictable as they are out of touch, and like the dinosaurs they capitalize on, they’re doomed to extinction.”
    Or execution. Death by electric chair, guilty of crimes against Mother Gaia.

    “In fact, the transition to renewables was so successful, the utilities beat the deadlines and the state proceeded to implement much more aggressive goals as the cost of fossil fuels continued its volatility and the price of renewables declined steadily and dramatically.”
    Conflating solar and wind with EVs. But OK, if you incentivize renewables by requiring the grid operators to take power they don’t need, and guarantee a minimum price for renewables over other sources, yes, you’ll get people building renewables. But are they really a net postitive or just misallocated capital?

    • This topic was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by ReadyKilowatt.
    October 25, 2023 at 12:21 pm #397

    “Plus, there’s nothing quite as satisfying after a lifetime of being held hostage by Big Oil…”

    Originally, I was a fan of electric and alternative fuel vehicles for this reason. But, only if you could generate the electricity (or fuel) independently, as with solar or wind or whatever you could glean from your homestead. Replacing oil companies with utility companies doesn’t exactly stoke my inner fires. Also, the cellphone-on-wheels concept, along with the predominance of the nanny-car, turns me off like Madeleine Albright in a tutu.

    October 29, 2023 at 2:24 pm #400

    I really haven’t felt like I was a hostage of oil, or the electric company either.

    Governement OTOH…

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